Jupyter Notebook Binder

Project flow#

LaminDB allows tracking data flow on the entire project level.

Here, we walk through exemplified app uploads, pipelines & notebooks following Schmidt et al., 2022.

A CRISPR screen reading out a phenotypic endpoint on T cells is paired with scRNA-seq to generate insights into IFN-γ production.

These insights get linked back to the original data through the steps taken in the project to provide context for interpretation & future decision making.

More specifically: Why should I care about data flow?

Data flow tracks data sources & transformations to trace biological insights, verify experimental outcomes, meet regulatory standards, increase the robustness of research and optimize the feedback loop of team-wide learning iterations.

While tracking data flow is easier when it’s governed by deterministic pipelines, it becomes hard when it’s governed by interactive human-driven analyses.

LaminDB interfaces workflow mangers for the former and embraces the latter.


Init a test instance:

!lamin init --storage ./mydata
Hide code cell output
✅ saved: User(uid='DzTjkKse', handle='testuser1', name='Test User1', updated_at=2023-10-27 14:07:44)
✅ saved: Storage(uid='H3tXzDEr', root='/home/runner/work/lamin-usecases/lamin-usecases/docs/mydata', type='local', updated_at=2023-10-27 14:07:44, created_by_id=1)
💡 loaded instance: testuser1/mydata
💡 did not register local instance on hub

Import lamindb:

import lamindb as ln
from IPython.display import Image, display
💡 loaded instance: testuser1/mydata (lamindb 0.59.0)


In the following, we walk through exemplified steps covering different types of transforms (Transform).


The full notebooks are in this repository.

App upload of phenotypic data #

Register data through app upload from wetlab by testuser1:

transform = ln.Transform(name="Upload GWS CRISPRa result", type="app")
output_path = ln.dev.datasets.schmidt22_crispra_gws_IFNG(ln.settings.storage)
output_file = ln.File(output_path, description="Raw data of schmidt22 crispra GWS")
Hide code cell output
💡 Transform(uid='0MwzHGsl59GRp3', name='Upload GWS CRISPRa result', type='app', updated_at=2023-10-27 14:07:47, created_by_id=1)
💡 Run(uid='86EHxg5xZ0rA1HGJ1hIk', run_at=2023-10-27 14:07:47, transform_id=1, created_by_id=1)

Hit identification in notebook #

Access, transform & register data in drylab by testuser2:

transform = ln.Transform(name="GWS CRIPSRa analysis", type="notebook")
# access
input_file = ln.File.filter(key="schmidt22-crispra-gws-IFNG.csv").one()
# identify hits
input_df = input_file.load().set_index("id")
output_df = input_df[input_df["pos|fdr"] < 0.01].copy()
# register hits in output file
ln.File(output_df, description="hits from schmidt22 crispra GWS").save()
Hide code cell output
💡 Transform(uid='M5ffBn4O7U1Y7M', name='GWS CRIPSRa analysis', type='notebook', updated_at=2023-10-27 14:07:51, created_by_id=1)
💡 Run(uid='s3VUK4ThUlvmLdrtr7kX', run_at=2023-10-27 14:07:51, transform_id=2, created_by_id=1)

Inspect data flow:

file = ln.File.filter(description="hits from schmidt22 crispra GWS").one()

Sequencer upload #

Upload files from sequencer:

ln.track(ln.Transform(name="Chromium 10x upload", type="pipeline"))
# register output files of upload
upload_dir = ln.dev.datasets.dir_scrnaseq_cellranger(
    "perturbseq", basedir=ln.settings.storage, output_only=False
ln.File(upload_dir.parent / "fastq/perturbseq_R1_001.fastq.gz").save()
ln.File(upload_dir.parent / "fastq/perturbseq_R2_001.fastq.gz").save()
Hide code cell output
💡 Transform(uid='LlS7q59mcIwGEU', name='Chromium 10x upload', type='pipeline', updated_at=2023-10-27 14:07:52, created_by_id=1)
💡 Run(uid='Gm2RWIFHrv3KDHbtyiOZ', run_at=2023-10-27 14:07:52, transform_id=3, created_by_id=1)
❗ file has more than one suffix (path.suffixes), inferring: '.fastq.gz'
❗ file has more than one suffix (path.suffixes), inferring: '.fastq.gz'

scRNA-seq bioinformatics pipeline #

Process uploaded files using a script or workflow manager: Pipelines and obtain 3 output files in a directory filtered_feature_bc_matrix/:

transform = ln.Transform(name="Cell Ranger", version="7.2.0", type="pipeline")
# access uploaded files as inputs for the pipeline
input_files = ln.File.filter(key__startswith="fastq/perturbseq").all()
input_paths = [file.stage() for file in input_files]
# register output files
output_files = ln.File.from_dir("./mydata/perturbseq/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/")
Hide code cell output
💡 Transform(uid='x2dKatnUVvji0F', name='Cell Ranger', version='7.2.0', type='pipeline', updated_at=2023-10-27 14:07:53, created_by_id=1)
💡 Run(uid='XjkUIcje9YuyaEYswO3D', run_at=2023-10-27 14:07:53, transform_id=4, created_by_id=1)
❗ file has more than one suffix (path.suffixes), inferring: '.mtx.gz'
❗ file has more than one suffix (path.suffixes), inferring: '.tsv.gz'
❗ file has more than one suffix (path.suffixes), inferring: '.tsv.gz'

Post-process these 3 files:

transform = ln.Transform(name="Postprocess Cell Ranger", version="2.0", type="pipeline")
input_files = [f.stage() for f in output_files]
output_path = ln.dev.datasets.schmidt22_perturbseq(basedir=ln.settings.storage)
output_file = ln.File(output_path, description="perturbseq counts")
Hide code cell output
❗ record with similar name exist! did you mean to load it?
uid score
Cell Ranger x2dKatnUVvji0F 90.0
💡 Transform(uid='8rhwMZWZlmBjys', name='Postprocess Cell Ranger', version='2.0', type='pipeline', updated_at=2023-10-27 14:07:53, created_by_id=1)
💡 Run(uid='rkHPz7ZVKxYdt75hW204', run_at=2023-10-27 14:07:53, transform_id=5, created_by_id=1)

Inspect data flow:


Integrate scRNA-seq & phenotypic data #

Integrate data in a notebook:

transform = ln.Transform(
    name="Perform single cell analysis, integrate with CRISPRa screen",

file_ps = ln.File.filter(description__icontains="perturbseq").one()
adata = file_ps.load()
file_hits = ln.File.filter(description="hits from schmidt22 crispra GWS").one()
screen_hits = file_hits.load()

import scanpy as sc

sc.tl.score_genes(adata, adata.var_names.intersection(screen_hits.index).tolist())
filesuffix = "_fig1_score-wgs-hits.png"
sc.pl.umap(adata, color="score", show=False, save=filesuffix)
filepath = f"figures/umap{filesuffix}"
file = ln.File(filepath, key=filepath)
filesuffix = "fig2_score-wgs-hits-per-cluster.png"
    adata, groupby="cluster_name", var_names=["score"], show=False, save=filesuffix
filepath = f"figures/matrixplot_{filesuffix}"
file = ln.File(filepath, key=filepath)
Hide code cell output
💡 Transform(uid='kQGMzQZ4fgxnh9', name='Perform single cell analysis, integrate with CRISPRa screen', type='notebook', updated_at=2023-10-27 14:07:55, created_by_id=1)
💡 Run(uid='rnpvAWfCFiXuklBaQPrC', run_at=2023-10-27 14:07:55, transform_id=6, created_by_id=1)
WARNING: saving figure to file figures/umap_fig1_score-wgs-hits.png
WARNING: saving figure to file figures/matrixplot_fig2_score-wgs-hits-per-cluster.png

Review results#

Let’s load one of the plots:

file = ln.File.filter(key__contains="figures/matrixplot").one()
Hide code cell output
💡 notebook imports: ipython==8.16.1 lamindb==0.59.0 scanpy==1.9.5
💡 Transform(uid='1LCd8kco9lZUz8', name='Project flow', short_name='project-flow', version='0', type=notebook, updated_at=2023-10-27 14:07:56, created_by_id=1)
💡 Run(uid='cWFhKfhLKx18NOcSaTLd', run_at=2023-10-27 14:07:56, transform_id=7, created_by_id=1)

We see that the image file is tracked as an input of the current notebook. The input is highlighted, the notebook follows at the bottom:


Alternatively, we can also look at the sequence of transforms:

transform = ln.Transform.search("Bird's eye view", return_queryset=True).first()
uid name short_name version type latest_report_id source_file_id reference reference_type initial_version_id updated_at created_by_id
2 M5ffBn4O7U1Y7M GWS CRIPSRa analysis None None notebook None None None None None 2023-10-27 14:07:51 1
5 8rhwMZWZlmBjys Postprocess Cell Ranger None 2.0 pipeline None None None None None 2023-10-27 14:07:53 1

Understand runs#

We tracked pipeline and notebook runs through run_context, which stores a Transform and a Run record as a global context.

File objects are the inputs and outputs of runs.

What if I don’t want a global context?

Sometimes, we don’t want to create a global run context but manually pass a run when creating a file:

run = ln.Run(transform=transform)
ln.File(filepath, run=run)
When does a file appear as a run input?

When accessing a file via stage(), load() or backed(), two things happen:

  1. The current run gets added to file.input_of

  2. The transform of that file gets added as a parent of the current transform

You can then switch off auto-tracking of run inputs if you set ln.settings.track_run_inputs = False: Can I disable tracking run inputs?

You can also track run inputs on a case by case basis via is_run_input=True, e.g., here:


Query by provenance#

We can query or search for the notebook that created the file:

transform = ln.Transform.search("GWS CRIPSRa analysis", return_queryset=True).first()

And then find all the files created by that notebook:

uid storage_id key suffix accessor description version size hash hash_type transform_id run_id initial_version_id visibility key_is_virtual updated_at created_by_id
2 z4y4PZ2saPwy4wjNlrcZ 1 None .parquet DataFrame hits from schmidt22 crispra GWS None 18368 TufBUAIQVzLPDJ4sCV_kTg md5 2 2 None 0 True 2023-10-27 14:07:51 1

Which transform ingested a given file?

file = ln.File.filter().first()
Transform(uid='0MwzHGsl59GRp3', name='Upload GWS CRISPRa result', type='app', updated_at=2023-10-27 14:07:47, created_by_id=1)

And which user?

User(uid='DzTjkKse', handle='testuser1', name='Test User1', updated_at=2023-10-27 14:07:52)

Which transforms were created by a given user?

users = ln.User.lookup()
uid name short_name version type reference reference_type updated_at latest_report_id source_file_id initial_version_id created_by_id

Which notebooks were created by a given user?

ln.Transform.filter(created_by=users.testuser2, type="notebook").df()
uid name short_name version type reference reference_type updated_at latest_report_id source_file_id initial_version_id created_by_id

We can also view all recent additions to the entire database:

Hide code cell output
uid storage_id key suffix accessor description version size hash hash_type transform_id run_id initial_version_id visibility key_is_virtual updated_at created_by_id
10 Tb69We3hi0kYMj7V4VoG 1 figures/matrixplot_fig2_score-wgs-hits-per-clu... .png None None None 28814 H0Pxpa-fZOvigo74eXHZsQ md5 6 6 None 0 True 2023-10-27 14:07:56 1
9 gNtOR0BrnYJvfXl03OxT 1 figures/umap_fig1_score-wgs-hits.png .png None None None 118999 1-WtAvRL1d_SSjZvMMOMkg md5 6 6 None 0 True 2023-10-27 14:07:56 1
8 rtix4Vl5QtDuSvn2Nar1 1 schmidt22_perturbseq.h5ad .h5ad AnnData perturbseq counts None 20659936 la7EvqEUMDlug9-rpw-udA md5 5 5 None 0 False 2023-10-27 14:07:54 1
7 gx85TcICjbF3FN4wvH4f 1 perturbseq/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/barcodes... .tsv.gz None None None 6 qrbSHNgpOKPVxFasGyV6kw md5 4 4 None 0 False 2023-10-27 14:07:53 1
6 7M3GQaYC3OgOT0DXnhFX 1 perturbseq/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/features... .tsv.gz None None None 6 tZE_9HZxCL6oCbEBQiptqQ md5 4 4 None 0 False 2023-10-27 14:07:53 1
5 Zi74v3fp3DOtjRZTqRMn 1 perturbseq/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/matrix.m... .mtx.gz None None None 6 h2P3hcmhBvz3QmMYU7VU-g md5 4 4 None 0 False 2023-10-27 14:07:53 1
4 uwblLyVtiLHeEbzMTKq7 1 fastq/perturbseq_R2_001.fastq.gz .fastq.gz None None None 6 THMNsd4cqAsyCRBBDLryeQ md5 3 3 None 0 False 2023-10-27 14:07:52 1
uid transform_id run_at created_by_id report_id is_consecutive reference reference_type
1 86EHxg5xZ0rA1HGJ1hIk 1 2023-10-27 14:07:47 1 None None None None
2 s3VUK4ThUlvmLdrtr7kX 2 2023-10-27 14:07:51 1 None None None None
3 Gm2RWIFHrv3KDHbtyiOZ 3 2023-10-27 14:07:52 1 None None None None
4 XjkUIcje9YuyaEYswO3D 4 2023-10-27 14:07:53 1 None None None None
5 rkHPz7ZVKxYdt75hW204 5 2023-10-27 14:07:53 1 None None None None
6 rnpvAWfCFiXuklBaQPrC 6 2023-10-27 14:07:55 1 None None None None
7 cWFhKfhLKx18NOcSaTLd 7 2023-10-27 14:07:56 1 None None None None
uid root type region updated_at created_by_id
1 H3tXzDEr /home/runner/work/lamin-usecases/lamin-usecase... local None 2023-10-27 14:07:44 1
uid name short_name version type latest_report_id source_file_id reference reference_type initial_version_id updated_at created_by_id
7 1LCd8kco9lZUz8 Project flow project-flow 0 notebook None None None None None 2023-10-27 14:07:56 1
6 kQGMzQZ4fgxnh9 Perform single cell analysis, integrate with C... None None notebook None None None None None 2023-10-27 14:07:55 1
5 8rhwMZWZlmBjys Postprocess Cell Ranger None 2.0 pipeline None None None None None 2023-10-27 14:07:53 1
4 x2dKatnUVvji0F Cell Ranger None 7.2.0 pipeline None None None None None 2023-10-27 14:07:53 1
3 LlS7q59mcIwGEU Chromium 10x upload None None pipeline None None None None None 2023-10-27 14:07:52 1
2 M5ffBn4O7U1Y7M GWS CRIPSRa analysis None None notebook None None None None None 2023-10-27 14:07:51 1
1 0MwzHGsl59GRp3 Upload GWS CRISPRa result None None app None None None None None 2023-10-27 14:07:47 1
uid handle name updated_at
2 bKeW4T6E testuser2 Test User2 2023-10-27 14:07:53
1 DzTjkKse testuser1 Test User1 2023-10-27 14:07:52
Hide code cell content
!lamin login testuser1
!lamin delete --force mydata
!rm -r ./mydata
✅ logged in with email testuser1@lamin.ai (uid: DzTjkKse)
💡 deleting instance testuser1/mydata
✅     deleted instance settings file: /home/runner/.lamin/instance--testuser1--mydata.env
✅     instance cache deleted
✅     deleted '.lndb' sqlite file
❗     consider manually deleting your stored data: /home/runner/work/lamin-usecases/lamin-usecases/docs/mydata